Symbolism in Literature


imageBoth authors of “Through the Tunnel”  by Doris Lessing  and “On the Bridge” by Todd Strasser  have used symoblisom in their stories in order to represent an idea that goes along with their story. In the story “Through the Tunnel” the author tells us about a boy who is determined to get though a tunnel once he sees boys older than him go down to tunnel. This detail shows that Jerry wants to be like the older kids. He wants to grow up. The detail is showing us that the tunnel symbolizes Jerrys path to becoming a man. Going through that tunnel would mean he has grown up and has stopped having to have the safety of the calm beach all the time. Going through that tunnel symbolizes not having to rely on his mother anymore.  The author uses the tunnel to help show the reader a bigger idea in their story. In the story “On the Bridge” Seth, the protagonist, tries his best to be like Adam who is cool and popular person in the story. In a scene in the story Seth and Adam are on a bridge, and Adam throws a cigarette bud onto a car. The owner of the car gets out to find who threw the bud onto the car. Adam points to Seth and Seth gets beat up on the bridge. This shows that the bridge is a big symbol in the story since this important scene happens on the bridge. The bridge is the symbol of growing up and finding out who you are. Since after Seth leaves he grows up and finds out who he is. He decides to stop trying to be like Adam. The authors use the bridge is order to help the readers understand the idea that is in his story.

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